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"The first zucchini I ever saw I killed it with a hoe."--John Gould, Monstrous Depravity, 1963

Angie's Fudge Recipe

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This recipe for Angie's Fudge is from RQ&N Recipes, one of the cookbooks created at We'll help you start your own personal cookbook! It's easy and fun. Click here to start your own cookbook!


4 cups sugar
1 cube margarine
1 (13 oz.) can Sego evaporated milk
2 (8 oz.) Hershey bars
1 (12 oz.) pkg. of semi sweet chocolate chips
1 tsp. vanilla
1 (7 or 8 oz.) jar of Kraft marshmallow creme

Mix the sugar, margarine and evaporated milk in a pan over medium to medium high heat (stirring constantly). Once the mixture starts to boil, continue stirring for FIVE MINUTES. Remove pan from the burner and immediately add the Hersheys bars (you can use the ones with almonds in them or the plan ones - or you can use walnuts or other nuts; however, if you use macadamia nuts, make sure they are unsalted). Break the Hershey bars up in smaller pieces so they will melt faster. Add the chocolate chips and stir until well mixed. Add the vanilla and marshmallow creme. Again, stir until well mixed completely and then add walnuts, pecans, almonds or whatever your heart desires! (Great with SKOR'S English Toffee Bits)!

Pour into lightly buttered foil pie pans. Cover with waxed paper or foil wrap (or both) and place in refrigerator or freezer.

Number Of Servings:
Number Of Servings:
Makes three (8-inch) foil pans of fudge.




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