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"I went to a restaurant that serves 'breakfast at any time'. So I ordered French Toast during the Renaissance."--Steven Wright

FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions about Making a Family Cookbook

If you have a question that can not be answered below,you can contact us here...


#1 Question: What's the deadline to receive cookbooks by Christmas?

November 30th! Regardless of when you order, you'll want to allow 2-3 weeks to receive your professionally printed cookbooks.



How much does it cost to print a family cookbook?

You have a couple options to get your cookbook printed.  We would love to print your cookbook for you!  The minimum print order is only 1 copy (most other printers require at least 25).  The cost of each cookbook depends on how many pages it has.  Most cookbooks average two recipes per page.

Number of cookbooks to be ordered (Minimum order 1 cookbook)
Number of recipes to be calculated.*
Number of Color photos included (.30 cents per book ea under 150 copies, .15 cents/book ea otherwise)

Select Options you are considering:

Cookbook Size
Paper Type
Binding Type
Front and Back Lamination on non-hardcovers (add $0.50)
Custom Color Cover Option (add $0.50)

Cost per book

Printing Total

If you get "N/A" then you need a special quote.  Contact us for your quote.

Shipping Estimate
--shipping may be higher or lower based on your exact destination
and final weight of cookbook shipment

*Pricing is based on two recipes per page.  If your recipes are longer, there may be an additional charge. Shipping not included in total. 

Another option is to have a local printer or even a Kinko's print your cookbook for you.  With your paid membership you can download a full high-resolution PDF file of your cookbook.  Take it to your printer and have whatever amount you like printed.  Or you can just print one copy on your computer and put it in a nice 3-ring binder!

Once you have determined you are ready to publish your family cookbook, our automatic publishing system will walk you through each step of the printing process from writing a dedication and thanking the contributors, to selecting the size, binding and cover art to make your family cookbook something for all to treasure.


Who started the Great Family Cookbook Project?

This website was developed by two high school friends who both love cooking and food.  Bill Rice is the father of four and has worked on his family’s genealogy for more than a decade.  Over a wonderful summertime family meal on Cape Cod, Bill and some of his family decided to create a family cookbook.  Bill turned to his long time friend and programming expert Chip Lowell to develop a simple website to facilitate the project.  The site was such a hit with Bill’s family, the two decided to offer it access to other families looking for an opportunity to create a lasting family heirloom.


Why is there only one editor?

You know the adage “too many cooks in the kitchen spoil the soup!” well we agree.  Each family cookbook needs a strong leader within the family to get the project started and keep it going.


How can I get others in my family to participate?

The Great Family Cookbook Project has designed a tool to contact your family members and remind them to add their recipes.  There are also other tools to ask for specific beloved or hard to find recipes. Each project gets it’s own website page accessible only to other family participants.  There is only one membership needed for unlimited family or group members!


What if someone is not online or have a computer?

Everyone can participate in the Great Family Cookbook Project, only some people need more help than others.  For people who do not have access to -- or the inclination to use -- a computer, you might have family members help by entering the recipes for them.  The recipe entry form allows the contributor to give appropriate credit.


Can I create my own cookbook without my family?

Of course. If you wish to create and publish your own cookbook to give as a gift or to sell on and other bookstores, we welcome you.  While we have designed and used this online site for our family cookbooks, it does not mean that you are limited to that purpose also. 


Can these cookbooks be used for fundraising?

The Great Family Cookbook Project can also help your school, church, civic organization or community group create a personalized cookbook as a terrific fundraiser.  To learn more, visit


Can I print the recipes on my computer printer?

Each recipe can be viewed online, emailed and printed individually on your home computer. Additionally, you can print the entire collection in a single PDF file.


Can I use your cookbook software to create an ebook version of my cookbook?

Yes! Our system's Publishing Tool allows you to create a PDF version of your whole cookbook to use as an ebook to sell, download or put on a Kindle or Nook.


Can I add photos and pictures to my cookbook?

Yes! You can add photos all over your cookbook and on each recipe, too. You can upload your own cover and dividers if you have the talent for a completely unique cookbook.


Can I scan in handwritten recipes?

You can scan your handwriten recipes and recipe cards as photos and upload to any recipe. That adds a really nice personal touch.



Do you edit my cookbook for me?

No.  The Editor of your cookbook approves all final text prior to going to press.


How much does becoming a member cost?

The membership fee we charge is designed to allows us to maintain the Great Family Cookbook Project database and computers and offer access to other families who wish to create their own family cookbooks.  We have a Premium Membership that you can use monthly for just $7.95 or save with an annual membership for $29.95 - we even have a lifetime membership for just $99.95. Personal cookbook memberships are FREE!

Common Question:  Does each member of my family or group have to pay a membership?  Nope!  Just one membership per project covers all the folks you want to help!


What is the difference between the memberships?

1. Personal Cookbook FREE - our personal membership lets you create your cookbook with up to 50 recipes by yourself.  You can create detailed recipes including your own uploaded photos, email recipes, print them, get a downloadable version of your whole cookbook and get special pricing when you're ready to have it printed.

2. Monthly Premium Account $7.95 per month - our affordable Monthly Premium Membership lets you create your cookbook with unlimited recipes using an unlimited number of family and friends as contributors!  You can create detailed recipes including your own uploaded photos, email recipes, print them, get a downloadable version of your whole cookbook and get special pricing when you're ready to have it printed.

3. Premium Account $29.95 per year - our Annual Premium Membership let's you fund your cookbook just once a year -- and saves you 50% from the monthly plan.  Or save huge with our Lifetime Membership for just $99.95!

What do you get?

Personal Cookbook
Family Cookbook
Full Version
$7.95/mo or $29.95/yr or $99.95 for life
Number of Contributors
1 Unlimited
Number of Recipes
50 Unlimited
Number of concurrent books
1 Unlimited
Custom Cover upload
Custom Divider upload
Recipe Photo upload
PDF book download for self printing
Custom Categories
Premium Covers
Premium Recipe Layouts
Fully Customizable Recipe Layouts
Clipart Graphics Filler
Familiar Quotations Filler
Kindle size PDF export
Number of Index options
2 7


Can other people see our family recipes?

Each family cookbook is available to only those the Editor has invited to participate.  In addition, each person who enters a recipe has the opportunity to make it private.  This means it will not be shared with anyone outside of the family.  We hope to offer some of the most interesting non-private recipes that can be shared in our monthly newsletter or in a Best of Great Family Cookbook Project Cookbook. 


What happens if I do not renew my family membership do I lose all of our cookbook recipes?

The Great Family Cookbook Project was developed to be an online resource for your family as well as a way to create a professionally crafted family cookbook.  At the end of the subscription period, if you or any other member of your family chooses not to renew, your information will remain in our database, but you will not have access to it.


What if the site shuts down after everything has been entered?

We have designed this project to be self-supporting.  In the event that we are unable to continue to manage this site, we will provide both a file that can be printed and the cookbook data in spreadsheet form.


FREE Sample


Can my family cookbook be available for sale?

One of the options in the publishing system is applying for an ISBN number and bar code.  This will allow your new cookbook to be made available to bookstores such as Barnes & Nobel and Border's Books as well as online on


Can I have more than one family cookbook going at the same time?

Yes, we recognize that different sides of your family may want different cookbooks.  We have made it easy for you to join more than one cookbook and not have to re-enter your favorite recipes each time.


Once we publish our family cookbook are we done?

Absolutely not!  The Great Family Cookbook Project is meant to be a work in progress. As families grow over time so should the food they eat!