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"A nickel will get you on the subway, but garlic will get you a seat."--Old New York Proverb


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This recipe for HAMBURGER DILL PICKLES is from Sperry Christian , one of the cookbooks created at We'll help you start your own personal cookbook! It's easy and fun. Click here to start your own cookbook!


18 lb. Cucumbers
3/4 C. Salt for each gal. of water
2 gal. Water (may need more or less)
1/2 Box Alum
6 C. Vinegar
3/4 C. Salt
1/4 C. Sugar
9 C. Water
2 T. Whole Pickling Spices (tie in thin cloth)
3 Dill heads or 1 T. dill for each jar
2 Clove garlic for each jar ( if desired)

Wash cucumbers and soak overnight in brine. Drain. Then dissolve 1/2 box alum in hot water and let pickles soak in this solution for 2 hours. Drain and slice cucumbers thin. Combine vinegar, salt, sugar water and spices and heat to boiling. Pack pickles slices in clean hot jars. Put dill in each jar. Adjust jar lids. Process in large kettle in boiling water for 20 minutes. Do not set jar directly on bottom of kettle, use rack of some kind or lids on the bottom. Tighten lids after boiling process and let cool on a rack. Pickles are to use immediately, no aging required.




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