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Joes's BBQ Pork Spare Ribs Recipe

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This recipe for Joes's BBQ Pork Spare Ribs is from Our Family Cookbook Project 2006, one of the cookbooks created at We'll help you start your own personal cookbook! It's easy and fun. Click here to start your own cookbook!


Pork spare ribs
Pork rub seasoning
Baby back rib sauce (like Sweet Baby Ray's)

Add rub to pork spare ribs. Wrap in heavy duty foil and bake at 325º F for 2 hours. Unwrap. Grill for 15-20 minutes, to create a crust. Place in pan and add generous amount of baby back rib sauce. Cover with foil and place in 175º F oven for 15-20 minutes to keep warm. Uncover and serve.

Personal Notes:
Personal Notes:
I got this recipe from my father, Joe Marshall, and it makes the most scrumptious ribs! The trick is to get pork spare ribs that are not as big (around 4 in. across and 1 in. thick).




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