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Mazzola Family Basic Marinara Sauce Recipe

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This recipe for Mazzola Family Basic Marinara Sauce is from Mazzola & Novak , one of the cookbooks created at We'll help you start your own personal cookbook! It's easy and fun. Click here to start your own cookbook!


4 lbs tomatoes crushed
1 C chopped carrots
1 C chopped celery
1 medium onion chopped
3 cloves garlic (more optional) chopped
¼ c olive oil
2 tsp Sugar
2 T Tomato Paste
Basil (1/2 stems)
Salt and Pepper to taste

1. Cook mirepoix* (pronounced “meer-pwah”) until soft and beginning to brown near end of cooking add chopped garlic, add salt and pepper to taste.
2. While mirepoix is cooking prepare tomatoes. Peel tomatoes (optional) then chop or crush with bare hands.
3. I use a blender to puree the the mirepoix after it is cooked.
4. Add tomatoes to vegetable mixture and allow to cook on low heat for several hours.
Stir occasionally. Allow to thicken to desired consistancy.
5. Near end of cooking add tomato paste and several stems of Basil. Allow to cook an additional 30 minutes or so. Add sugar and allow to cook a few minutes, add additional salt and pepper to taste.

This is a basic Pasta Sauce and when used plain is vegan, or can be enhanced with any and all meats and seasoning as your personal family chooses.

This is a somewhat labor intense recipe and makes several meals worth of sauce. I freeze in approximately 3 Cup containers and use it for any dish that requires tomato sauce. The secret to this spaghetti sauce is the fresh tomatoes versus canned.

Personal Notes:
Personal Notes:
*this is the classical French culinary term for onions, carrots, and celery diced small and cooked in fat until soft and beginning to brown, in Italian it is called soffritto

While on an Italian tour with the Richard Mazzola family we were at the Verrazano Castle for a wine tasting and meal. We had the simplest but best spaghetti sauce so Jeannette asked how it was made. The waitress told us but the cook came (mama?) out and went over it with us. After we came home Jeannette started to work on trying to replicate what we had. I took what she did and we both tweaked it. This is the result. I make several batches of it every year when the tomatoes are in season. It is so great to have in the middle of winter.




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