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"I don't think America will have really made it until we have our own salad dressing. Until then we're stuck behind the French, Italians, Russians and Caesarians."--Pat McNelis

Antipasto Recipe

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This recipe for Antipasto is from Joan & Donna's Favourites, one of the cookbooks created at We'll help you start your own personal cookbook! It's easy and fun. Click here to start your own cookbook!


1 48 oz tin tomato juice
1 small tin tomato paste
1 heaping tbsp pickling spice tied in cloth
1 pint oil
1 pint cider vinegar
6 cans solid white tuna
1 can artichoke hearts
1 can whole mushrooms
2 jars green olives
1 jar black pitted olives
Soak overnight in brine (water and salt)
1 pint each
carrots (soak separately)
green peppers
red peppers
pickling onion
green beans
yellow beans

Cook sauce for half hour. Cook carrots and celery 5 minutes before adding onions and cauliflower to tomato sauce. Add all other ingredients and cook for five minutes. Fill pint jars (12) and process in hot water bath canner.

Personal Notes:
Personal Notes:
This recipe came from Auntie Eileen Cipriani and is cherished and enjoyed with many fond memories.




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