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Rugbrod - Danish Rye Bread Recipe

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This recipe for Rugbrod - Danish Rye Bread is from Flynn Family Cookbook, one of the cookbooks created at We'll help you start your own personal cookbook! It's easy and fun. Click here to start your own cookbook!


2 dl (4/5 cup) cracked rye kernels
2 dl (4/5 cup) cracked wheat
2 dl (4/5 cup) flax seed or linseed
2 dl (4/5 cup) sunflower seeds
4 dl (1 3/5 cups) SOUR DOUGH STARTER
8 dl (3 2/5 cups) water (Non-CHLORINATED !)
4 dl (1 3/5 cups) All Purpose Flour
4 dl (1 3/5 cups) Rye Flour
2 Tbls salt
1 Tbls Malt Syrup (or dark syrup)
2 Tbls gravy browning sauce (can be omitted)

** Some of the whole grains may be hard to find. I found some at Whole Foods and ordered others online from Bob's Red Mill Products at He has EVERY kind of flour and grain you can imagine !!

In a large bowl, Add the cracked rye kernels, cracked wheat, flax seeds, sunflower seeds, water and Sour Dough Starter. Let it all soak for at least 8 hours. (This can be an advantage when done at night so you can continue the next morning.)

After 8 hours, add the rest of the ingredients. Let the dough rise for 1-2 hours.

Divide the dough into 2 portions. Put each portion into greased bread pan.(Normal American pans or Danish bread pans, (which are longer and more square) if you have them)
Smooth the dough out so the top is flattened. Cover bread pans with some plastic or foil.
**This dough is very different. It is thick, sticky and very moist and it doesn't require any kneading.
Let the dough rise for 1-2 hours until it almost fills the bread-pan.

Bake the breads for 350 degrees for about an hour.

Rmove from bread pans and allow them to cool off before attempting to slice.
After cooling, keep them in air tight container or a plastic bag.
Slice into thin (¼ inch) slices.

Personal Notes:
Personal Notes:
I actually bought Rugbrod pans in Denmark 30 years ago but never used them until I decided to make it to put the recipe for it into the Flynn Family Cookbook ! It turned out great !

This is bread is great and SO HEALTHY !
Use it for making the "Open-Faced Danish sandwiches or just to toast spread with jam in the mornings !

If you don't have time (or desire) to make it, you can order it from the O & H Danish Bakery in Racine Wisconsin: 1-800-709-4009




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