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Danish "Ris a la Mande" with Cherry Sauce Recipe

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This recipe for Danish "Ris a la Mande" with Cherry Sauce is from Flynn Family Cookbook, one of the cookbooks created at We'll help you start your own personal cookbook! It's easy and fun. Click here to start your own cookbook!


1 cup short grain rice (or ris grǿd as it is called in Denmark)
4 cups milk
1 tsp vanilla extract
½ tsp Salt

Cherry Sauce
1 can Dark Pitted Cherries
corn starch for thickening cherry juice
Almonds - chopped & toasted - "2 handfuls"
2 cartons whipping cream - whipped
1-2 tsp Sugar

Traditional Christmas Danish Rice Pudding with Cherry Sauce

1) Put Rice, milk, vanilla and salt in a pot and bring to a boil.
Turn heat down low and simmer covered.
* If rice gets to thick at the end, add a little milk.
Let rice cool in the pan overnight.

2) Whip the cream with a 1-3 tsp of sugar to taste.
Separate the cooked rice (if stuck together) with a fork and add to the whipped cream.
Add the TOASTED chipped almonds to this mix and stir.

Add 1 WHOLE BLANCHED Almond to this mix (the prize to be found !)
Place in a service bowl. Cover and keep refrigerated.

3) Prepare the cherries and sauce:
Drain canned cherries. Save the cherry juice.
Put juice in a small pan and bring it almost to a boil. Thicken juice with little cornstarch.
Add cherries back in and heat so cherries are nice and hot when serving.

4) When serving, the cherries and sauce are spooned over the top of an individual serving of rice pudding.

Personal Notes:
Personal Notes:
In Denmark, the entire bowl of rice and whipped cream would be placed on the table with the whole almond "somewhere" in it !! Danes would keep eating servings until someone got the whole almond. A prize was offered to that person.

We serve Ris a la Mande in small individual cups/bowls. The servings are prepared in the kitchen and the person preparing them "hides" the whole almond in one of the cups. A second person - who doesn't know which bowl the almond is hidden - passes out the servings to guests. People start eating at the same time. The person who "finds" the almond usually hides it in a cheek from everyone else, forcing a all to guess as to who has it !!




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