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Manicotti with Meat Sauce & Filling Recipe

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This recipe for Manicotti with Meat Sauce & Filling is from Flynn Family Cookbook, one of the cookbooks created at We'll help you start your own personal cookbook! It's easy and fun. Click here to start your own cookbook!


¼ cup olive oil
1 medium onion - chopped
1 pound ground round beef
2 cans (#2½) tomato with puree
1 can (#2½) tomato puree
1 cup Marsala wine
2 tsp basil leaves
1-2 Tbls Oregano (to taste)
2 Bay leaves
1-2 Tbls Oregano
½ pound mushrooms
½ tsp garlic powder
2 Tbls sugar
1 Tbls salt
½ tsp pepper

Preparations for Meat Sauce:
Heat oil, add onion and cook until transparent. Add meat and brown.
Put tomato puree in blender (or break up by hand) to make sauce. Add sauce to meat.
Add remaining ingredients and cook 1 hour stirring occasionally.

Manicotti Pasta - Filling: Ingredients & Directions:

¼ cup Olive oil 1 pound ground round beef
1 medium onion - chopped ¼ cup sauce (taken from above)
¼ cup green pepper - chopped 1 pound Ricotta cheese
2 Tbls Parsley - fresh, chopped 1 tsp Salt
¼ cup Romano Cheese ½ tsp Pepper
* ½ cup Romano Cheese (for top after cooking)

Preparation for Filling:
Saute green pepper, and ground beef. Drain off drippings. Set Aside.
Combine all remaining ingredients and mix well.

Fill uncooked Manicotti shells with cheese mixture using a knife.

Pour a little Sauce in the bottom of a 13 x 9 x 2 casserole.
Arrange shells side by side in single layer.
Add enough sauce to completely cover the Manicotti shells.
Sprinkle with Parmesan cheese.

Cover with foil and bake 40 minutes at 400º.
Uncover and sprinkle with ¼ cup fresh Romano cheese
Return to oven uncovered for 10 minutes.

Personal Notes:
Personal Notes:

This is "the real thing" regarding Italian cooking. It was provided to me by my Aunt Jodie who married my Uncle Johnnie Blandi and was taught REAL Italian cooking from his mother "Na Na" - a first generation immigrant from Sicily. It takes a little more time but is definitely worth it !!!




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