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Cherries Jubilee Flambe from the Red Lion Inn Recipe

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This recipe for Cherries Jubilee Flambe from the Red Lion Inn is from The Black Family Cookbook Project, one of the cookbooks created at We'll help you start your own personal cookbook! It's easy and fun. Click here to start your own cookbook!


1 can bing cherries, drained and juice reserved
1 heaping tablespoon unsalted butter
1 heaping tablespoon powdered sugar
1 heaping tablespoon brown sugar
1 orange slice
1 lemon slice
1/8 teaspoon cinnamon
Cherry-flavored brandy
High quality vanilla ice cream (I like Trader Joe's)

In a large skillet, mix together butter, sugars and small amount of reserved bing cherry juice. Heat over medium-high until boiling. Add drained cherries and stir. Add one full turn of cherry-flavored brandy - light flame and allow to burn down. Add the lemon and orange slice and squeeze out juice with the end of a fork - remove rinds. Add cinnamon and cook until thick. Serve hot over vanilla ice cream. Dee-Lish!!

Number Of Servings:
Number Of Servings:
4 to 6
Preparation Time:
Preparation Time:
20 minutes
Personal Notes:
Personal Notes:
On two separate occasions, Dad and I lived in Bakersfield, California for one year each time. We disliked living there, so we looked for "comfort" places to eat out - one of which was the Red Lion Inn's restaurant, at that time, one of the better places to dine. One of our favorite items to order was the Cherries Jubilee Flambe because they prepared it tableside (and it was sooo yummy!!) We watched them prepare it often enough to memorize and duplicate the recipe (I also wrote it down). Dad made it for you kids as a treat when you were fairly small - not sure if any of you remember the flames coming up from the sauce?? :)




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