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Jelly & Jam Recipe

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This recipe for Jelly & Jam is from The Gillis/Schuck Family Recipes, one of the cookbooks created at We'll help you start your own personal cookbook! It's easy and fun. Click here to start your own cookbook!


Fresh Fruit
Sure jell
sometimes lemon juice

Pictured are what I use to make Jelly

Regular pans small to keep on stove for jars and lids in hot water, medium large for batch of jelly, extra large for boiling water for water bath canning process. Green plastic basket goes in extra large pan to hold jelly.

Green strainer was Grandma Mary's. She gave it to me for straining out seeds or some seeds in red and black raspberry. Can still buy today, even fancy ones.

I use metal potato masher to crush up berries. Not plastic, mushes them

I pour jelly in jars with soup ladle

Two blue things- one is magnet to get lids out of hot water
one is used to remove air bubble before processing

I use Sure-Jell, one pkg for every batch
Inside the box are directions for everything you need to know. Recipes for every kind of jelly I make. Directions on how to prepare the fruit, how to actually make freezer, jelly or jam. How to process, ( hot water bath) for canning. How to check jars and how to store.

I do not worry about the chemical reactions or sampling for setting, or how clear the jam is or exactly how the fruit settles in the jelly. I just make it.

You do need to stay very close to exact measurements.

You can read on internet how to prepare jars etc. I always wash jars, ring and lids in very hot soapy water. I put jars and lids in very hot water on the stove. I put rings on clean towel beside where I am working. I also wash everything I am going to use before I start.

Number Of Servings:
Number Of Servings:
8-9 large jars 12-16 small per batch
Preparation Time:
Preparation Time:
a lot of work 2 1/2 hrs per batch
Personal Notes:
Personal Notes:
My friend Kris and her dad, Pop, always made freezer jam. She would give me peach and strawberry. I decided I wanted red raspberry for kids so I started making it. Freezer jam is delicious and fairly easy. Start with it. No canning, just pop in freezer. I can my jelly so I can give it to people.




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