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Lebanon Bologna Recipe

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This recipe for Lebanon Bologna is from Phillips Family and Friends Cookbook, one of the cookbooks created at We'll help you start your own personal cookbook! It's easy and fun. Click here to start your own cookbook!


2 oz Maze
5 lbs sugar
1 tablespoon saltpeter
6 tablespoons pepper
1 quart salt
50 lbs ground beef

I added this in memory of Grandma and Pap Bomberger. He made the best bologna ever. I remember them mixing all the ingredients and stuffing it in cloth bags and then he would smoke it in the little smoke house that Grandpa Phillips and Uncle Johnny built (if I remember correctly.) The butchering days were so interesting, they would butcher one beef and two or more pigs and the family would get together and work all day. They would have big butcher pots going of meats to make scrapple and meat pudding. Us kids got the job of cutting up the fat from the hog to fry down and make lard. They made sausage and all kinds of good stuff. Those were happy days for us kids. We would eat the liver and kidneys right out of the big butcher pots. Don't have any other recipes, but would add them if I had them.




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