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Nan Brennan's Christmas Cake Recipe

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This recipe for Nan Brennan's Christmas Cake is from Our Family Table, one of the cookbooks created at We'll help you start your own personal cookbook! It's easy and fun. Click here to start your own cookbook!


¾ lb Sultanas
¼ lb Raisins
2 oz currents
2 oz glazed cherries
2 oz mixed peel
¼ cup Rum/Brandy/Sherry
4 oz butter
¾ cup brown sugar firmly packed
½ teaspoon graded orange peel
½ teaspoon graded lemon peel
Few drops of Almond essence
½ teaspoon vanilla
1 tablespoon marmalade
½ teaspoon Parisian essence
2 eggs
1 ¼ cups plain flour
Pinch of salt
½ teaspoon mixed spice
½ teaspoon cinnamon
½ teaspoon nutmeg

1lb 6 oz mixed fruit can be substituted instead of sultanas, raisins, cherries and peel.
Prepare fruits by washing, drying and removing stems.
Chop and place in a basin, pour over spirits and mix well, cover and let stand over night.
Cream butter and brown sugar, grated fruit rinds and essences.
Add marmalade and Parisian essence.
Drop eggs – one at a time – beating well after each egg.
Fold in prepared fruit alternating with sifted dry ingredients and mix well
Fill into a lined tin.
Settle the mixture into the tin by lifting the filled tin and letting it drop from about 12 “ onto a hard surface.
This will ensure the mixture settles into the tin and will remove air bubbles.
Smooth the top of the cake with a wet hand before placing it into the oven.
When cooked the cake should feel firm and when a thin bladed knife is inserted into and removed from the cake it should come out clean.
To ensure a soft surface on top of the cake. Immediately after the cake is removed from the oven, wrap it in either a clean towel or aluminum foil.

Personal Notes:
Personal Notes:
I have never made this one, but I have eaten it, and it is by far the nicest Christmas Cake I have ever had the pleasure of consuming. Nan Brennan is Andrew McDonald's Great Grandmother.

Quarter pounder (This recipe) – cook in a slow oven for 2 ½ hours (6 inch tin)
Half pounder – cook in a slow oven for 4 hours (8 inch tin)
One pounder – cook in a slow oven for 6 hours (10 inch tin)
One and half pounder – cook in a slow oven for approximate. 7-8 hours (12 inch tin)




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