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Victorian Sponge Recipe

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This recipe for Victorian Sponge is from Our Family Table, one of the cookbooks created at We'll help you start your own personal cookbook! It's easy and fun. Click here to start your own cookbook!


4 eggs
Scant cup of Castor sugar
½ cup of milk
1 tablespoon butter
¾ cup plain flour
¼ cup corn flour
1 level teaspoon baking powder
Pinch salt

Beat Eggs for a few minutes gradually adding sugar
Have milk and butter warmed
Add around edge of bowl, fold in with whisk
Triple sift dry ingredients and fold in gently
Bake for 25 – 30 mins

Personal Notes:
Personal Notes:
Tips to sponges
1) Cook at 1800 or 1600 if fan forced
2) Grease and flour tin & turn upside down so surface is not damaged accidentally
3) Sift flour, corn flour, baking powder 3 times
4) Warm butter and milk on lowest temperature
5) Separate eggs if required to do so
6) Clean glass or china bowel (Never Plastic)
7) 3 day old eggs – never fresh
8) Eggs at room temperature
9) Pinch of salt aids foaming
10) No egg yoke unless whole egg is being beaten




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