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Tea Sandwiches Recipe

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This recipe for Tea Sandwiches is from The Allan Family Cookbook , one of the cookbooks created at We'll help you start your own personal cookbook! It's easy and fun. Click here to start your own cookbook!


A variety of sandwich breads (white, whole wheat, pumpernickel) and wraps (of different colors like spinach and tomato). Thin bread is dainty - best for ribbon sandwiches (3 layers, cut in fingers)
If possible have the baker cut some of the bread Pullman style (i.e. lengthwise) to make pin-wheel sandwiches

A variety of fillings
Meats slivered ham, beef, chicken
Salmon salad, Egg salad, Tuna salad
Cream cheese
Other cheese spreads (e.g. cheese whiz)
Olives, gherkins, maraschino cherries
Cucumber slices

General principles:
Allow 4 to 6 cut sandwich pieces per person - more if they are being served as lunch
Choose the best-quality bread. Freezing bread before cutting and then spreading makes for easier handling.
Bread should be lightly buttered no matter what the filling. Butter should be at room temperature before spreading. Sandwiches will not become limp and soggy as readily if you spread butter right to edge of bread.
Cut crusts off bread with long, sharp bread knife after (not before) assembling sandwiches. This keeps everything neater.
Since tea sandwiches should be delicate, cut each sandwich into thirds or quarters or in half diagonally. Or use cookie cutters to cut into decorative shapes.
Each tray should contain a mixture of fancy sandwiches and plainer ones.

Remove crusts from the bread and using a rolling pin flatten the slices slightly. Spread with softened butter and filling. Roll up and roll in plastic wrap and refrigerate for at least an hour. Cut in 1/2 inch slices. Some of our favorite fillings are cream cheese spread topped with maraschino cherries (these are the best), olives, or gherkins. Place the the topping of choice end to end and roll the sandwich as tightly as possible. Another favorite is nut butter topped with banana. These need to be made close to serving so the banana does not brown. See also the recipe for roll up sandwiches in this section.
Ribbon (layered) sandwiches:
Thinly sliced bread is important. If you can find a square loaf that you can slice yourself, or a sliced loaf for dieters works well.
Butter will help keep the layers together or you can use, a butter substitute such as a thin layer of mustard or mayonnaise, flavored cream cheese, etc. (whatever is appropriate for the ingredients of your sandwiches).
We usually use three slices of bread and two fillings. One of our favorites is egg salad and cheese whiz.

Once the sandwich is assembled, place your hand firmly on top of the sandwich and trim the crusts off using a sharp knife. When you have assembled all the sandwiches, wrap them two or three in a pile in plastic food wrap and chill them.

Close to serving time, cut each sandwich into three long rectangles and then cut each rectangle in half to make ribbon sandwiches. Can also cut into quarters or triangles for layered sandwiches As you arrange the sandwiches on the serving plate be sure that the way you place them makes it clear that they are layered sandwiches.

Plain sandwiches:
Make as you normally would and then cut off the crusts and wrap in plastic wrap until you are ready to prepare the serving trays. Cut each sandwich into thirds or quarters or in quarters diagonally (to make triangles). Or use cookie cutters to cut into decorative shape.

Personal Notes:
Personal Notes:
These were one of Mom's favorite things and we made them for her 90th birthday party. She especially liked the cream cheese and cherry pinwheels. Andrew and Alex Potts were big fans of the peanut butter and banana ones. When we were kids and the ladies were making these for trousseau teas they sometimes had the local baker color the bread (pink or green) or at the very least they had colored cream cheese. Save the crust trimmings for poultry dressing or to make croutons.
It is best to make the sandwiches the day before serving, to allow fillings to cool and stick to the bread. Sandwiches can be cut and arranged on trays in advance of serving time. To keep the sandwiches fresh the serving trays should be topped with a damp tea towel or tightly wrapped in plastic wrap and refrigerated.




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