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Mom's Leek Soup Recipe

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This recipe for Mom's Leek Soup is from The Buzzelli Family Cookbook , one of the cookbooks created at We'll help you start your own personal cookbook! It's easy and fun. Click here to start your own cookbook!


> 10 c. College Inn Broth
> 5-6 medium size leeks
> 1 small onion
> salt, cayenne pepper, and mace to taste
> minced parsley
> 1/3 c. rice

- trim roots and the toughest leaves off the leeks
- cut into one in. pieces, wash thoroughly in as many water changes of cold water until there is no sand in water.
-add the leeks and onion to boiling College Inn, let simmer gently, partly covered for about 1 hr.
- add rice....if you have already cooked the rice add last minute, if not add 30 min. after leeks have been cooking
-garnish with minced parsley
-may add barley 1/4 c. but you must time it so that thee barley cooks

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