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Sassafras Tea Recipe

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This recipe for Sassafras Tea is from Possum Holler Recipes, one of the cookbooks created at We'll help you start your own personal cookbook! It's easy and fun. Click here to start your own cookbook!


Dried Sassafras roots
water to cover

Place roots in a non-metal container to boil. Cover them with water. Bring to a boil & boil for about 30 minutes. Make it up like you do sweet tea. It is good cold or hot.

Personal Notes:
Personal Notes:
When we were growing up we drank this a lot of times. It reminded me a lot of root beer. You dig the roots when the sap is down, (if the sap is not down as it is in late winter, the tea will be bitter!), wash & scrape of the bark, dry them & if they are very big, after you cut them into smaller pieces, you can beat them some to break them up so there will be more of the inside exposed to the water. This makes a better tea. After some research, I discovered that for the best taste, do not boil roots in a metal pot. The roots can be used more than one time if you let them dry after you use them each time.

As far back as the 1600's the American Indians were using sassafras to treat fevers & rheumatism. They also powdered sassafras & used this powder to treat wounds.




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