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This recipe for LEMON CAKE WITH LEMON PIE FILLING TOPPING is from The "WillBerry" Family Cookbook, one of the cookbooks created at We'll help you start your own personal cookbook! It's easy and fun. Click here to start your own cookbook!


1 package yellow or lemon cake, mix and bake as directed
1 large box of lemon pie filling

Make the 2 8-inch round cakes. Let the cakes cool completely. Once cakes are cool make the pie filling following directions on the box. After cooking stir the pie filling about 5 times. Then slowly, by tablespoon, put on one cake for the middle filling. Put other cake on top, secure with 3 toothpicks to keep cake from moving. Then put pie filling on top of top cake. Then start on sides, very slowly with a knife. Let set and cool. Serve with ice cream.

Personal Notes:
Personal Notes:
Jeannie says, “I came upon this when my daughter, Sandy, was three and a half—her 4th birthday, and all I had was a yellow cake mix in a large box of lemon pie still. So I made her the cake and tried the pie filling for topping, and she loved it. That is still her favorite birthday cake. The year was 1973 – we lived in Grand Rande, ORE.”




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