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Roast Duck - Martha Stewart Recipe

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This recipe for Roast Duck - Martha Stewart is from The Allan Family Cookbook , one of the cookbooks created at We'll help you start your own personal cookbook! It's easy and fun. Click here to start your own cookbook!


1 duck
salt and pepper
sweet paprika (optional)

1/4 cup mild flavored honey
1/4 cup pomegranate molasses (Or some hoisin sauce)
2 tbsp. fresh orange juice.
Or use any glaze you like

Preheat your oven to 300 º F. Unwrap the duck, throw out the innards (or save for another purpose), wash and dry it very, very well (I use lots of paper towels, sorry environment!).

Put the duck on a cutting board and “with a very sharp knife,” says Martha, “score the skin over the breast in a cross hatch pattern". See photo. Cut diagonally into the skin, making sure not to cut into the flesh. Prick the skin with the tip of the knife all over, especially in the fattiest areas (this will ensure the best rendering for crisp skin).”Now season with lots of salt, pepper, and paprika (if desired), inside and out, tie the legs together with cotton twine, fold the wings under and place on a rack in a roasting pan". Place uncovered in the oven for one hour.

“Prick the skin over the breast and the fatty deposits around the thigh area with a sharp knife, then turn it over, so breast side is down, and roast 1 hour more.”

“Turn duck over again (so breast side is up) and prick skin in any spots that aren’t rendering as quickly as the others, then roast another hour.”

“Prick the skin, turn breast side down, and roast until almost all of the fat has rendered from under skin and duck is cooked through, about 1 hour more. (Total roasting time should be about 4 hours.)”
"In the last hour make the glaze by combining the ingredients in a small sauce pan, reduce to simmer and cook until thick and syrupy - about 5 minutes".

So here’s the final step: increase the oven temp to 400 º F, turn the duck breast side up, and roast ten minutes (this crisps the skin). Then brush with some of the glaze and continue to roast for 5 minutes but watch it carefully because that glaze can easily burn! When the duck is shimmering and beautiful you are done. You have roasted a duck.

Be sure to save duck fat (i.e. liquid gold) for using to fry potatoes etc.

Personal Notes:
Personal Notes:
This is actually easier than it sounds and worth the effort. Be careful not to over cook and dry the breast out.




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