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"What I like to drink most is wine that belongs to others."--Diogenes , 320 BC, Greek philosopher

~Preserved Children Recipe

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This recipe for ~Preserved Children is from A Special "Brand" of Cooking, one of the cookbooks created at We'll help you start your own personal cookbook! It's easy and fun. Click here to start your own cookbook!


loving, accessible family
quality and/or quirky friends and neighbors
spiritual priorities
stewardship mentality
thankful attitude
work hard - play hard

Take 1 large yard surrounded by pasture and fields, assorted amounts of siblings and cousins, 2 or 3 cats and dogs (more or less), a pinch of creek, puddle and pebbles. Scramble the kids and critters at random; turn out on yard, stirring constantly. Pour creek over pebbles and into puddles; sprinkle fields and pasture with flowers and bugs and butterflies and grain; spread over all God's deep blue sky and bake in His sunshine. When children become brownish and aromatic, arrange in bathtub until soaked and giggly. Remove gently; wrap in love, prayers, and PJ's. Place in bed or sleeping bags overnight. Repeat daily from generation to generation. Enjoy! (Paraphrased: Nickerson, KS Church of the Brethren cookbook-gift from Grandmother Thralls, 1973)

Number Of Servings:
Number Of Servings:
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Preparation Time:
A lifetime
Personal Notes:
Personal Notes:
A salute and thank you to Mom & Dad Schnaithman, with deep affection for my sibs, kids, cousins, & grandkids. -BAS




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