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Bacon Chestnut BBQ Bites Recipe

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This recipe for Bacon Chestnut BBQ Bites is from Our Family Cookbook--Guziel/Tavolacci/Wisniewski/Holman, one of the cookbooks created at We'll help you start your own personal cookbook! It's easy and fun. Click here to start your own cookbook!


1 lb bacon, cut in half down the center
1 jar bbq sauce (your favorite)
2 cans water chestnuts-whole
about 40 toothpicks

Set oven at 350 F. Cut bacon in half, dividing it into two like lengths. Open both cans of water chestnuts and drain liquid. Take one piece of the bacon, wrap around the water chestnut and secure it together with a toothpick, it does not matter if all of chestnut is covered. Repeat this until all bacon is used. Place bacon chestnuts on cookie sheet about 2 inches apart. Place into oven and bake for approximately 8-10 minutes until bacon is starting to cook but still soft. Pull out cookie sheet and generously brush on bbq sauce to each bacon chestnut. Put back into oven and let cook another 5-7 minutes, removing when bacon is done to your liking. Let cool for 10 minutes before eating.

Preparation Time:
Preparation Time:
20 minutes
Personal Notes:
Personal Notes:
These little ditties were discovered by my husband Duane. I don't even remember the first time we made them, but I'm pretty sure it was at Christmas several years ago, maybe 7 or so. They are so popular, and they go very quickly. Anyone trying to be polite and not grab one or two quickly, may very well miss out on them! Its been a favorite now not only at Christmas, but even when we are in the mood for them!




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