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Lisa & Gavin's High-Altitude Popovers Recipe

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Lisa & Gavin's High-Altitude Popovers image
Gavin Greenawalt displays his high-altitude popovers! Yum!


This recipe for Lisa & Gavin's High-Altitude Popovers is from Bernie Hamm's Kitchen, one of the cookbooks created at We'll help you start your own personal cookbook! It's easy and fun. Click here to start your own cookbook!


3 large eggs
1 1/4 cups of milk (we use 1%)
1 T olive oil (could also use regular oil or melted butter)
1 c flour
2 pinches salt (1/2 tsp)

Preheat over to 400º. Use a conventional oven, not a convection oven.

Mix all the wet ingredients together.
Add salt to the wet mixture.
Whisk in the flour until combined but not overly smooth. (Mixture will be very liquid-y, with little dots of flour)
Fill the popover pan 2/3 full of batter. (If using mini-popover pans, make it 1/3 full. If using muffins pans, fill them a scant over halfway)
Bake for 32 minutes. DO NOT open the oven before 18 minutes of baking or the steam inside the popovers will drop and they will deflate. You can if you want open the oven at that point and pierce them with a knife to let the steam escape, then bake an additional 14 minutes until they are crisp and brown on the outside and moist and airy within..

Serve with butter and Julie Holm's blueberry jam. YUM!

Number Of Servings:
Number Of Servings:
Preparation Time:
Preparation Time:
10 minutes, plus baking
Personal Notes:
Personal Notes:
These are a Greenawalt family Christmas morning tradition, eaten in our home at 7,200 feet altitude in the middle of Pick a Present. It took many Google searches and much experimentation over several years to finally discover this recipe. One key it to use flour rated with 4g protein if possible (labeled "High Altitude" on grocery store shelves in high country.)

We use a popover pan Julie gave Lisa for a day of Christmas, which has gaps between the popover beds. A regular popover pan that is one solid piece does not produce as fluffy of popovers.




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