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Doris's Sweet Pickles Recipe

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This recipe for Doris's Sweet Pickles is from The Tidioute Guide to Food, Families and Fun, one of the cookbooks created at We'll help you start your own personal cookbook! It's easy and fun. Click here to start your own cookbook!


4 qts. Thinly sliced cucumbers, (small ones preferred but larger will work)
4 to 6 sliced onions (depending on size)
2 cloves minced garlic
5 cups sugar
11/2 tsp. turmeric
11/2 tsp. celery seed
2 tsp. mustard seed
2 cups vinegar
3 tbs. salt (use regular not light) sea salt loses flavor

Put cucumbers through salad shooter or slice very thin, mix cucumbers, onions, garlic
& salt in a really large bowl. Cover with ice cubes & let stand 3 hrs. Then drain.

In a large pot mix remaining ingredients & stir well to blend. Add cucumber mixture
& bring to a slow boil & simmer for 5 mins. Stirring every so often.
Wash & rinse jars well & let drain on paper towels or dish towels
Wash & rinse lids well, place in pan & cover with water, let come to a boil so lids are
Hot. Put pickles in jars & then close TIGHTLY with hot lids. They will seal themselves
& you will hear them pop! Wipe around jar top with damp cloth to clean any drip
From filling with pickles. Store on shelf until you want to chill in fridge for eating.
This sounds time consuming but not hard to do.

Number Of Servings:
Number Of Servings:
6-8 pints & maybe 4-51/2 pints
Personal Notes:
Personal Notes:
Doris gave me some of these & honestly they are the best,crispiest sweet pickles
I have ever eaten & I love sweet pickles! I'm going to try making them or maybe
I'll just wait until she gives me more of hers!! Delicious!




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