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Communion Bread Recipe

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This recipe for Communion Bread is from A Special "Brand" of Cooking, one of the cookbooks created at We'll help you start your own personal cookbook! It's easy and fun. Click here to start your own cookbook!


10 c. flour
3 to 5 T. sugar
1/2 tsp. salt
1 lb. butter
1 pt. milk
1/2 pt. cream

Oven: 350º
Mix dry ingredients; add butter as for pastry. Stir in cream and milk. Divide into 3 to 4 parts and knead well. Roll onto cookie sheet. Trim, mark with ruler, cut and stick with fork. Bake until well done. Cut into pieces. (Granddaughter's Inglenook Cookbook)

Our family church, The Antelope Valley Church of the Brethren, typically served communion on the first Sunday of the month. The church was organized in 1901 as the Bear Creek Church. On January 3, 1914, the church council voted to change the name to Antelope Valley (antelope roamed the area). The congregation met in homes and later in schoolhouses until the first church building was dedicated on May 16, 1915. The church had Gothic windows, acetylene lights, opera chairs, a wood burning stove for the winter and a ceiling fan for the summer. Fire destroyed that building on May 23, 1946. The congregation built a new church, dedicated on August 22, 1948, which is still in use.




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