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Barbie's BBQ Sauce Recipe

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This recipe for Barbie's BBQ Sauce is from The Cole Family Cookbook , one of the cookbooks created at We'll help you start your own personal cookbook! It's easy and fun. Click here to start your own cookbook!


1/4 C onion(1C)
1 T oil (1/4C or less)
1 can tomato paste (4 cans)
1/2 C water (2C)
less than 1/2 C brown sugar (much less than 2 C)
2 T prepared mustard (1/2 C)
1/4 C soy sauce (1 C)
1 T cider vinegar (1/4 C)
1 T chili powder (1/4 C)
1/4 tsp garlic powder (1 tsp)

In a large microwaveable bowl cook the onions and oil for 2 minutes on high.
Add tomato paste and water (or an equivalent amount of tomato sauce) and mix.
Add the rest of the ingredients and stir.
Microwave 3 minutes on high, 3 on level 5 or until mixture is hot and threatening to bubble.

Personal Notes:
Personal Notes:
This is my favorite BBQ sauce. The recipe only makes 2 cups which is hardly enough to bother with so I added amounts in parenthesis that will make about 9 cups. It freezes well. You can substitute tomato sauce for the tomato paste and water. I've always wondered how it would be with a couple of drops of liquid smoke . . .




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