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Pot Pie in a Pouch Recipe

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This recipe for Pot Pie in a Pouch is from 40 Something Cowgirls Restless Riders Cookbook, one of the cookbooks created at We'll help you start your own personal cookbook! It's easy and fun. Click here to start your own cookbook!


•cooking spray
•¼ to 1/3 pound ground beef
•1 small diced potato
•your choice of vegetables, including green beans, carrots, onions, green pepper – or anything you like!
•Salt and pepper

Before the cooking starts, you’ll need a bed of hot coals to work with and some aluminum foil. Lay the foil flat, spray it with some cooking spray, and place all of your ingredients in the center together, separating the ground beef into pieces so you don’t end up with a semi-raw patty. Then, fold up the foil so it encloses the ingredients in a pouch form, and simply place the pouch inside the bed of coals. Keep in mind that it’s very hot in there, so you’ll need to check the enclosure early and often. Cooking time is roughly 15 minutes, depending on the coals’ temperature.

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