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Meringue Cookies, or Shells(good protein cookies for diabetics) Recipe

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This recipe for Meringue Cookies, or Shells(good protein cookies for diabetics) is from Myra's Cookbook, one of the cookbooks created at We'll help you start your own personal cookbook! It's easy and fun. Click here to start your own cookbook!


4 eggs whites
sugar to taste, 4-8 tablespoon
1 teaspoon vanilla
brown paper bag or cooking papers, not waxed paper

Whip the egg whites slowly adding the sugar and vanilla. You should whip the whites until they will peak when you raised the spoon up out of the mixture. If you are making cookies, then you will only put a small spoon full on the paper. If you are making shells then you want them larger and make a bowl in the center to hold fruit, ice cream or custard.
A brown paper bag cut open or cooking papers cut to fit the cookie sheet work best for making the cookies or shells. You place the meringue on it and cook slowly over an hour at 175-200 degrees. Sometimes you end up with chewy cookies, sometimes crisp(if you leave them in the oven a little longer). The shells can have ice cream put in them, topped with fruit, or ice cream with a drizzle of chocolate over the top.

Use the egg yolks to make custard. You can put the custard in small cups, add coconut, peaches, or just plain.




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