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"I have long believed that good food, good eating is all about risk. Whether we're talking about unpasteurized Stilton, raw oysters or working for organized crime 'associates,' food, for me, has always been an adventure."--Anthony Bourdain

Aunt Deanna's Amazing Savory Chili Recipe

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This recipe for Aunt Deanna's Amazing Savory Chili is from The Mills Family Cookbook, one of the cookbooks created at We'll help you start your own personal cookbook! It's easy and fun. Click here to start your own cookbook!


2 or 3 cans of beans, depending on how beany you like your chili. Aunt Deanna recommended using different varieties of beans. When I made this I used one can of red kidney beans, one can of pinto beans, and one can of white cannellini beans, if you have never heard of cannellini beans, that's okay! The great northern white beans work pretty well too.

1 lb ground beef.
Onion, chopped (I used about half an onion, you can do more or less to taste)
Brown sugar
Tomato juice
Chili powder or other chili seasoning

Brown ground beef. Drain and rinse beans. You can stop rinsing when the bubbles disappear. When the meat is getting close to done, add the onion and stir it in. Cook together until meat is completely browned. Add your beans and stir everything together. Take the ketchup bottle and squirt it into the pot. Stir, and keep squirting ketchup until everything in the pot is fairly well-saturated. Start adding small spoonfuls of brown sugar and stir it in. This ingredient is really to taste so add how much you think you want, then taste it, then if you're like me you will really like the flavor and want to add a little more. Add a LITTLE (less than a regular spoonful) of mustard. A little goes a long way and too much can ruin everything, so be careful here. Stir it in. Add tomato juice. I've done this both with bottled tomato juice and with an actual can of tomatoes packed in tomato juice, and both worked well and tasted good. If you use the can just pour it all in, if you are using bottled juice add in however much makes the chili the consistency of liquid-solid that you like. For thicker chili use less, for soupier use more. Stir. Add chili powder/seasoning to taste. Even if you add quite a bit of chili powder this chili will be more savory than spicy. Stir the powder in and let everything cook until it starts bubbling, then reduce heat and let it simmer for a few minutes (my Mom let it simmer for like twenty the first time we did this but I usually do it for ten or fifteen.)

Personal Notes:
Personal Notes:
This chili is really, really good and not really spicy at all. Great for sharing with friends and impressing hot dates!




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