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Pinoche Candy Recipe

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This recipe for Pinoche Candy is from Our Favorite Recipes, one of the cookbooks created at We'll help you start your own personal cookbook! It's easy and fun. Click here to start your own cookbook!


2 ½ c. Brown Sugar
1 tbsp. Butter
¾ c. Milk
1 tsp. Vanilla
½ c. Nuts- if desired
Dash of Salt

Combine salt, brown sugar, corn syrup, butter and milk in a saucepan. Cook, stirring only until sugar is dissolved. Cook to softball stage. Remove from heat and let cool, without stirring. Add vanilla. Beat until stiff. Add nuts if desired. Pour into a well-greased pan.

Personal Notes:
Personal Notes:
How to test softball stage- Drop a small amount of candy into a glass of cold water. When you can form a soft ball with it, it is correct. You will have to do it several times during cooking, to find out when it reaches the softball stage.

You can dip a pastry brush into a cup of hot water and wipe down the sides of the pan while cooking, to wash sugar crystals and buildup off, so your candy doesn’t go to sugar. Otherwise, when you pour the candy out of the pan, or when you beat the candy in the pan, the sugar gets into the candy and gives it a sugary taste and isn’t as creamy.

I used to make this candy, also taffy and fudge with my mother as I was growing up. Dad would be working as a brakeman on the Union Pacific Railroad. We (mom, brother, sisters and me) would make candy or popcorn and listen to the radio shows.




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