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"A man who was fond of wine was offered some grapes at dessert after dinner. "Much obliged," said he, pushing the plate aside; "I am not accustomed to take my wine in pills."--Jean Antheleme Brillat-Savarin, The Physiology of Taste

Jenn's Pumpkin Pie Recipe

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This recipe for Jenn's Pumpkin Pie is from "IT'S A FAMILY TRADITION", one of the cookbooks created at We'll help you start your own personal cookbook! It's easy and fun. Click here to start your own cookbook!


-Pie shell (I use graham because I think it tastes better, but it’s whatever you want)

-2 ½ cups cooked pumpkin (probably one pie pumpkin would give you this much cooked pumpkin)

-2 eggs well beaten

-dash of salt

-1 cup white sugar

-1/2 cup brown sugar

-1/2 cup canned milk (I wasn’t sure what was meant by this the first time I made it, so I ended up using condensed milk and have done so ever since)

-1/2 stick margarine melted

-3 tablespoons plain flour

-1 tsp pumpkin pie spice

-add a small amount of cinnamon

-1 tbs vanilla

To cook the pumpkin:

Cut pumpkin in half and get seeds and stringy stuff out.
Put aluminum foil over pumpkin halves, cook at 325 degrees for one hour. You know it’s cooked well when it scoops out easily with a spoon.
Once it’s scooped out, mash it with a spoon before adding everything else. (Using a mixer is faster and easier if you have one).

Mix all ingredients and put in unbaked pie shell. Bake at 325 degrees for 45 minutes.

You can count on baking the pie for longer than 45 minutes, and generally cooking the pumpkin also takes longer than an hour, depending on how big your pumpkins are.




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