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"I went to a restaurant that serves 'breakfast at any time'. So I ordered French Toast during the Renaissance."--Steven Wright

Original NestleŠ Toll HouseŠ Chocolate Chip Cookies Recipe

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This recipe for Original NestleŠ Toll HouseŠ Chocolate Chip Cookies is from JOHNSON Family Cookbook Project, one of the cookbooks created at We'll help you start your own personal cookbook! It's easy and fun. Click here to start your own cookbook!


2 1/4 c. all-purpose flour
1 t. baking soda
1 t. salt
1 c. (2 sticks) butter, softened
3/4 c. granulated sugar
3/4 c. packed brown sugar (I use light brown)
2 large eggs
1 t. vanilla extract
2 c. (12 oz.) semi-sweet chocolate chips
1 c. chopped nuts (optional)

Preheat oven to 375şF.

Combine flour, baking soda and salt in small bowl. Set aside.

In large mixing bowl, beat butter, sugars and vanilla until creamy. Add eggs one at a time, mixing well to incorporate after each addition. Gradually beat in flour mixture. Stir in chocolate chips (and nuts).

Drop by rounded tablespoon onto ungreased cookie sheets. Bake 9-11 minutes, until golden browned. Cool on baking sheets for 2 minutes; remove to wire racks to cool completely. Store in airtight container.

Grease 15x10" jelly-roll pan. Prepare dough as above. Spread into prepared pan. Bake for 20-25 minutes or until golden brown. Cool in pan on wire rack.

Increase flour to 2 1/2 c. Add 2 t. water with flour and reduce both sugars to 2/3 c each. Bake drop coolies for 8-10 minutes and pan cookie for 17-19 minutes.

Number Of Servings:
Number Of Servings:
Never enough
Preparation Time:
Preparation Time:
1 hour
Personal Notes:
Personal Notes:
Dad's favorite (without nuts). Others have made with milk chocolate and/or white chocolate chips.




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