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"Nothing would be more tiresome than eating and drinking if God had not made them a pleasure as well as a necessity."--Voltaire


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This recipe for CAMPFIRE STEW is from FRUIT OF THE JOYFUL SPIRIT, one of the cookbooks created at We'll help you start your own personal cookbook! It's easy and fun. Click here to start your own cookbook!


olive oil or cooking oil
lean ground beef, about 2 lbs.
cold, fresh water
1 can beef broth, or 1 or 2 c. beef broth (opt.)
1 or 2 onions, as desired, peeled and chopped,
or use frozen onions
8 to 10 lg. potatoes, or at least 2 per person
1 or 2 cans tomato soup
1 or 2 cans Campbells vegetable vegetarian
alphabet soup
salt and pepper to taste
1 can mixed vegetables or 1 c. frozen mixed
vegetables (opt.)
1 can corn, or use frozen corn (opt.)
1 can tomatoes or 1 sm. can tomato sauce (opt.)

Peel and chop onions and potatoes on a lg. cutting board. Brown ground beef slowly in oil in a heavy cast iron pot, or large heavy pot or pan that has a lid. You can cook this over a campfire, or on a camp cook stove, or on top of the stove at home. We have used this recipe many times over the years. Stir beef as it cooks and don't overcook or burn it. Use a big spatula or big spoon. Add onions to beef while beef is still cooking, and cook until onions become transparent and beef is just tender. Don't overcook, because it will continue to cook as you add ingredients. Add tomato soup, and stir with a big spoon. Add cut up potatoes, broth (opt.), and a cup or 2 of water. Add salt and pepper to taste. Stir and add the alphabet soup. Simmer slowly, stirring occasionally. This stew is good, and there is no real need to add more than the basic, main ingredients. It is just according to your taste. You may want to add any of the (opt.) ingredients on the list. Include the juice from any canned vegetables, if you add them. Use your own judgment as to how much water to add, according to how many potatoes you have, and also according to how many of the other (opt.) ingredients you want to add. If you are adding any canned vegetables (opt.), they will also have juice, so you may not need to add any more water. If you choose not to add (opt.) canned vegetables with their juice, you will need to add more water, enough to cook potatoes. Continue to simmer slowly until potatoes are tender and cooked. Enjoy!




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