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"The most remarkable thing about my mother is that for thirty years she served the family nothing but leftovers. The original meal has never been found."--Calvin Trillin

Fried Turkey Recipe

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This recipe for Fried Turkey is from The Kokas Family Cookbook Project, one of the cookbooks created at We'll help you start your own personal cookbook! It's easy and fun. Click here to start your own cookbook!


1 Gallon of Water
1/2 box of Salt
8 oz of Louisana Hot Sauce
1 Ten oz Bottle of Worchestershire
3-2 Oz Bottle Liquid Onion
3-2 Oz Bottle Liquid Garlic
1 Tablespoon Garlic Powder

Bring to a boil after combining the mixture.
Take food seringe and slowly inject Turkey. Be sure to get behind the legs and wings.
Let stand overnite in Ice Box in deep dish pan.

Use enough oil to cover the Turkey. Bring Temperture to 350-375 degrees. Recommend using candy (metal) thermometer. Slowly put Turkey into pot, cover and cook 4 minutes per pound.




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