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"Fish, to taste right, must swim three times - in water, in butter, and in wine."--Polish Proverb


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This recipe for DADDY'S LEMON BBQ CHICKEN is from A Yearning for my Mama's Cooking by Phyllis Peters Wilder, one of the cookbooks created at We'll help you start your own personal cookbook! It's easy and fun. Click here to start your own cookbook!


6 whole chickens cut in half (have the butcher at your local store do this)
juice of 6 lemons
2 sticks of butter melted
salt and pepper
BBQ sauce, if wanted

Make sure the temperature on your grill is for chickens, not steaks. The secret to this recipe is go slow. Salt and pepper chickens thoroughly. Place the chicken on the grill turning once to sear in the juices. Turn temperature down and begin slathering the chickens with melted butter and lemon juice every few minutes when you turn chickens. If you like BBQ sauce on the chickens, add the last 5 minutes. Daddy's grill was an old metal drum that he had converted to a BBQ pit, and he was a master at making these chickens melt in your mouth.

Number Of Servings:
Number Of Servings:
12 servings
Preparation Time:
Preparation Time:
it depends on temperature
Personal Notes:
Personal Notes:
Image sitting at the picnic table under a tall pine tree, looking out on the beautiful bayou, and enjoying these lemony chickens and all the other fixens. I remember when our aunts and uncles and all the cousins would come. Daddy would get the temperature just right in his grill, and put chickens on to cook to perfection. Mama would be in the kitchen putting the finishing touches on more food than we could possibly eat. Mama didn't care how many mouths she had to feed, she just never wanted to run out of food. Before too long the cars would start pulling in the drive way and our relatives would make their way down to the bayou bank and wait for the delicious food to be ready. I can still see everybody laughing and talking, the kids running around bare footed, our big German Sheppard, Rex, chasing them, and everybody having a great time.




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