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"I would like to find a stew that will give me heartburn immediately, instead of at three o'clock in the morning."--John Barrymore

Jalapeno Pepper Jelly Recipe

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This recipe for Jalapeno Pepper Jelly is from Delese Stiles Preserved Recipes, one of the cookbooks created at We'll help you start your own personal cookbook! It's easy and fun. Click here to start your own cookbook!


6 fresh jalapeņo peppers, seeded, chopped
1 green bell pepper, seeded, chopped
1 cup vinegar
4 cups sugar
1 pkg. or bottle (3oz.) liquid pectin
6 to 8 drops of food coloring, if desired

Sterilize four 7 or 8 ounce jelly jars with screw lids; keep hot. Line large strainer of colander with 2 layers of cheesecloth; set aside. In blender or food processor, process jalapeņo pepper, bell pepper and vinegar until pureed. In 6 or 8 quart saucepan, combine pureed pepper mixture and sugar, stirring constantly; bring to a full boil over high heat. Quickly stir in pectin. Continue stirring while bringing to a full rolling boil that cannot be stirred down. Continue to stir and boil hard 1 minute. Remove from heat. Use a metal spoon to skim foam from surface. Stir in food coloring, if desired. Strain hot jelly through cheesecloth lined strainer or colander, pressing mixture with back of spoon to strain all pulp possible. Discard pulp remaining in cheesecloth. Pour liquid into sterile jars; seal. Serve as accompanied for meat, poultry and cheese.

Number Of Servings:
Number Of Servings:
Makes 4 cups
Personal Notes:
Personal Notes:
Note: Do not substitute powered pectin for liquid pectin in this recipe. Other hot peppers may be substituted for the jalapeņos; if red or yellow peppers are used, add red or yellow food coloring as desired.




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