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"I don't think America will have really made it until we have our own salad dressing. Until then we're stuck behind the French, Italians, Russians and Caesarians."--Pat McNelis

Rose & George Rasmussen Recipe

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This recipe for Rose & George Rasmussen is from The BAILEY BUNCH, one of the cookbooks created at We'll help you start your own personal cookbook! It's easy and fun. Click here to start your own cookbook!


Rose Sprout (Simon, Coen) Rasmussen
dob 6/25/1953
2 children-Renea Dove and Bill Simon
1 cat, 2 tortoises
married 12/25/2010 to
George Rasmussen
dob 5/29/1951 dod 12/28/2011
2 children-David Rasmussen (deceased 1998)
Rebecca Robinson

Lives in California City, CA

Personal Notes:
Personal Notes:
I run 3 storage facilities (own Charlie's Mini Storages) and miss George, everyday.




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