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"Good bread is the most fundamentally satisfying of all foods; good bread with fresh butter, the greatest of feasts!"--James Beard

Boiled Bread Recipe

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This recipe for Boiled Bread is from The Wilder We Get-- The Better We Eat !, one of the cookbooks created at We'll help you start your own personal cookbook! It's easy and fun. Click here to start your own cookbook!


1 qt. slightly boiled Water
1/2 C. Cornmeal
1/2 C. corn flour
1/2 C. dried Cranberries, Blueberries and/or Currents
1/2 C. crushed Nuts or Seeds ( walnuts, hazelnuts or sunflower seeds)
Maple syrup or sugar to taste (optional)

Combine ingredients in large bowl and mix thoroughly . After mixing thick cnough to be sticky, shape round patties(about 3 inches in diameter and 1/2 inch thick. Return water to slight rolling boil and drop in 1 or 2 patties, carefully making sure they do not stick to the bottom, remove brfeads when they begin to float.

Personal Notes:
Personal Notes:
Boiled bread is a small patty made mostly of cornmeal with crushed nuts and berries added in. It is dropped in a pt of boiling water and when done, rises to the top. See more recipes of the Pilgrams in this book. They are real.




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