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"As viscous as motor oil swirled in a swamp, redolent of burnt bell peppers nested in by incontinent mice and a finish reminiscent of the dregs of a stale can of Coca-Cola that someone has been using as an ashtray. Not a bad drink, though."--Excerpt from "The Moose Turd Wine Tasting" by T. A. Nonymous

Canning - Dill Pickles Recipe

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This recipe for Canning - Dill Pickles is from Andy and Eva in The Garden of Eatin', one of the cookbooks created at We'll help you start your own personal cookbook! It's easy and fun. Click here to start your own cookbook!


1 qt. white vinegar
1-1/2 c. pickling salt (plain not iodized)
dill stocks

Mix vinegar, 1 gallon water, and pickling salt in large kettle,slowly bring to boil. Wash cucumbers and place in sterilized jars. Place 1 stalk of dill weed in each jar around the pickles. Pour hot water over pickles in the jar, then pour out to get the pickles hot before pouring in the brine solution. Pour in brine solution. Seal with enameled lids (Ball lids) and process 10 minutes. Ready to eat in a few weeks.




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