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Mouth Watering Braised Shortribs Recipe

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This recipe for Mouth Watering Braised Shortribs is from The Pleasant Family Cookbook Project, one of the cookbooks created at We'll help you start your own personal cookbook! It's easy and fun. Click here to start your own cookbook!


2 lbs. Shortribs
4 Celery ribs cut on medium diagonal bias
1 Lg. Onion rough chopped
1 Med. CT. Cremini mushrooms (baby portabello's)
2 Cans. Italian style sliced stewed tomatoes
1 Can. Whole white potatoes
2 Cups. Water
1 tsp. Italian seasoning
1/2 C. Canola oil
3 Knorr's beef bouillon cubes.
1 Lg. Carrot medium diced
2 Cups. White rice

In a saute skillet heat the canola oil until you see a slight smoke coming of the pan. This will ensure that you get a nice brown sear on the shortribs. Place 5 to 6 shortribs in oil, searing both sides until brown. Reserve ribs to a plate until all are seared. In a cast iron or braising pot add your water and bouillon cubes and allow for cubes to dissolve, this will be your flavor base so you don't need to add any salt unless desired at the end. Next add in the shortribs making sure they are at the bottom of the pot in the broth. Add any juice the shortribs produce back into the pot. Now you may add the mushrooms,celery,onions and carrots to the oil and saute for 5 minutes and then add remaining ingredients to the pot covering the shortribs. The potatoes can be added a half hour before done, because they are already cooked and only needs to be heated through. Bring your pot to a boil, lower heat to less than medium, cover and let simmer for 21/2 hours. You may check ribs about 11/2 hours in, mixing slightly to incorporate but not over do it. The key is letting the lid stay on and give the ribs a nice bath to ensure fall of the bone tenderness. Make a nice pot of white rice and enjoy with your favorite side vegetable.

Number Of Servings:
Number Of Servings:
Preparation Time:
Preparation Time:
3 1/2 Hours
Personal Notes:
Personal Notes:
If your shortribs aren't already cut. Cut them into 3's. If you like you can buy them already cut into smaller sections. You can also try the ribs over Egg noodles. Check your flavor at the end, it should be spot on. If needed adjust flavor.




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