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Vidalia Onion BBQ or Bake Recipe

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This recipe for Vidalia Onion BBQ or Bake is from Abrahamson's Door County Delights , one of the cookbooks created at We'll help you start your own personal cookbook! It's easy and fun. Click here to start your own cookbook!


4 large Vidalia onions
4 T butter
4 beef bouillon cubes
fresh ground pepper to taste

Trim top off onion. Peel without cutting off the root end. Using a potato peeler, cut a cone
shaped section from the center of the onion. Cut into quarters from the top down, stopping
K:" from the root. Place 1 Tbs. Butter & 1 bouillon cube in center of each. Season wipepper
and wrap in heavy duty foil. Place onions on hot coals 45 min. or cook in the oven. To
serve, place each onion in individual bowl because they produce a lot of broth which tastes
like French onion soup, One can feed two people.




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