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"Everything I eat has been proved by some doctor or other to be a deadly poison, and everything I don't eat has been proved to be indispensable for life. But I go marching on."--George Bernard Shaw

Stove-Top Brisket Recipe

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This recipe for Stove-Top Brisket is from Recipes for a Happy Marriage, one of the cookbooks created at We'll help you start your own personal cookbook! It's easy and fun. Click here to start your own cookbook!


2 Jars of tomato basil sauce
1/2 cup of ketchup, or more, to taste
1 large green pepper, cubed
1 large red pepper, cubed
1 large onion, sliced
1 pound of carrots, sliced

Salt and pepper both sides of brisket and brown each side in a large stew pot.
Add tomato sauce and ketchup with onions, cover tightly, and bring to a slow cooking boil.
Turn the brisket after approximately 30 to 45 minutes, then turn again, making sure fat side is down.
Add peppers and carrots, cooking approximately one hour, and add potatoes

Cooking time for the completed brisket is 3 to 4 hours, depending on size.
Brisket is done when a fork passes easily through.
Let brisket rest on the stove before carving.
Once carved, put it back in the pot within the sauce.




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