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"The belly rules the mind."--Spanish Proverb

Better Than Sex Cake (or Pina Colada Cake) Recipe

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This recipe for Better Than Sex Cake (or Pina Colada Cake) is from Favorite Recipes from Nana's Kitchen, one of the cookbooks created at We'll help you start your own personal cookbook! It's easy and fun. Click here to start your own cookbook!


Cook a box of yellow cake mix in a sheet cake pan according to directions. Miss 1 small can crushed pineapple with 1 cup of sugar, bring to a boil and pour over hot cake.
Mix one large box Instant Vanilla pudding and spread over pineapple. Mix 1 large container cool whip and a 12 oz. box of frozen coconut, spread over pudding. Refrigerate a couple of days.

Store in refrigerator.

Personal Notes:
Personal Notes:
This recipe is from a wonderful lady who passed away. She was a great cook and friend, Every Christmas she had my sons and their kids an us to her house to play games and eat cookies. The kids called her the Cookie Lady. She started at Thanksgiving baking cookies and had so many different kinds you couldn't count them. She had them in large metal tins stacked up everywhere. She is really missed. Love you Nan.




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