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Taco Ring Recipe

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This recipe for Taco Ring is from The Williams Family Cookbook 2011, one of the cookbooks created at We'll help you start your own personal cookbook! It's easy and fun. Click here to start your own cookbook!


1 lb ground beef or turkey
2 cups shredded cheddar cheese
2 cans croissants
1 pckg taco seasoning or 2 tbsp
1 bell pepper with top cut off and seeded
Shredded lettuce/taco sauce/tomatoes/jalapenos/etc for garnsh

Pre heat oven to 375 degrees
brown ground meat in skillet, drain and then follow directions for taco meat on seasoning packet.
open and unroll croissants-lay croissants with wide flat end side by side on a round cooking stone (preferable) or round pizza or cookie sheet about 3 inches in on sheet with rest of croissant hanging off.. You will use one can doing this. Do not overlap. Then layer second can on for row so that there is a solid 3 inch layer of croissant dough.
In bowl add cheese with taco meat. Spoon mixture onto croissants trying to avoide getting any on the cooking stone/sheet. Take ends of croissants and fold over meat mixture making sure no part of the croissant is left hanging off. There will be gaps between the dough.
Cook in oven 12-18 minutes or until golden brown.
Remove from oven and put shredded lettuce in middle of ring. Add pepper to middle and fill with taco meat or salsa. Add other garnish as preferred & serve. Cut slices into desired width.

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Personal Notes:
Personal Notes:
I love to make this for my friends. Easy to do and looks cool!




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