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This recipe for ATOMIC CAKE is from Drew's Family Cookbook , one of the cookbooks created at We'll help you start your own personal cookbook! It's easy and fun. Click here to start your own cookbook!


1 layer banana cake
1 layer chocolate cake
1 layer white cake
fresh bananas, sliced
grated chocolate
finely chopped pecans
fresh strawberries, sliced
1 (3 oz.) box Jello banana pudding
1 (3 oz.) box Jello vanilla pudding
1 (3 oz.) box Jello chocolate pudding
whipped cream
milk to make puddings according to box directions

Make each pudding mix according to directions on box; set aside. Place the banana cake layer on a cake plate. Top with sliced bananas, then spread enough banana pudding over top to hold bananas in place. Put chocolate layer on top & sprinkle with grated chocolate (opt.). Top with sliced strawberies, then spread enough chocolate pudding over top to hold strawberries in place. Spread with whipped cream. Place white layer on top. Spread with vanilla pudding. Frost top of cake with generous amount of whipped cream. May garnish top with finely chopped pecans & maraschino cherries. Refrigerate until served.

Personal Notes:
Personal Notes:
The atomic cake was very popular in the Chicago area when Tom & I were young. I'm not sure when & where it originated, but we bought it in the 1970's in a local bakery.




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