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"The first zucchini I ever saw I killed it with a hoe."--John Gould, Monstrous Depravity, 1963

Whipped Cream Chocolate Truffles Recipe

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This recipe for Whipped Cream Chocolate Truffles is from Heritage Family Recipes, one of the cookbooks created at We'll help you start your own personal cookbook! It's easy and fun. Click here to start your own cookbook!


2 ½ cups chocolate
1 cup heavy whipping cream
¼ tsp salt
½ tsp vanilla (you can use other flavorings)
Baking sheets covered with waxed paper

Melt the chocolate and cool to about 100 degrees. Try to keep it at this temperature until needed. Whip cream until it holds a low peak. Remove the beaters and slowly add the chocolate – a little at a time – stirring vigorously! When all the chocolate it blended in, stir in salt and vanilla and place bowl in the refrigerator.After it has set, beat until fluffy – but only long enough for it to become smooth. Keep it cool and don’t let it get soft and runny. To create the centers, use a pastry bag (or cone made with parchment) with a ½ tip. Put some of the batch into the pastry bag and squeeze out pieces about the diameter of a 25-cent piece and about ¾ inch high onto the baking sheet covered with waxed paper. As you fill the baking sheets, place them in the refrigerator for 1-3 hours. Refill pastry bag and create centers until all the batch is gone. When the centers are firm, QUICKLY dip each one in melted chocolate (this is additional chocolate – I’m not sure how much as I always have chocolate left from other projects). You need to work very quickly at this point or the truffles will melt into the chocolate. I pop each dipped truffle into a small paper cup and sprinkle with chocolate decorations. Store in a cool place.

Personal Notes:
Personal Notes:
This is a good project to do with a friend. Both chocolate chips and blocks of chocolate. A fan of dark chocolate, that’s what I use. But you can also use milk chocolate if you wanted too. It’s not hard, you just have to work quickly when you dip them!




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