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"I went to a restaurant that serves 'breakfast at any time'. So I ordered French Toast during the Renaissance."--Steven Wright

Red Velvet Holiday Trifle Recipe

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This recipe for Red Velvet Holiday Trifle is from The Keener Family & Friends Cookbook , one of the cookbooks created at We'll help you start your own personal cookbook! It's easy and fun. Click here to start your own cookbook!


1 red velvet cake, mixed according to directions
1 ½ c. chocolate chips
1 light cream cheese
3 c. milk
1 16 oz. carton Cool Whip, thawed
2 pkgs. instant cheesecake flavored pudding
1 c. Hershey’s Nuggets, Dark Chocolate Truffle variety, chopped

Make the cake according to directions. Add chocolate chips to batter. Pour into Large Bar Pan (or a large cookie sheet lined with parchment paper) and bake until JUST done. Do not over bake – 20-30 min. at 350 degrees.

Whisk milk and pudding mix. Then soften cream cheese in microwave just until smooth and add to pudding mixture.

Chop approx. 1 cup small dark chocolate truffle candies, make sure they are very small pieces.

¼ of pan of cake
1/3 of pudding mixture
1/3 cup of chopped candy
Spread with a layer of Cool Whip
Repeat two more times finishing with Cool Whip.

This leaves approx ¼ pan of that cake left over. That is for the cook or family members who keep bugging you for a sample. I can actually get two complete trifles out of one cake mix, so you can do 1/6 of the cake in each layer to get three layers per trifle.




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