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"There is no sight on earth more appealing than the sight of a woman making dinner for someone she loves."--Thomas Wolfe

Barbequed Pork Ribs Recipe

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This recipe for Barbequed Pork Ribs is from Mealtime Memories from Our Hearts to Your Home, one of the cookbooks created at We'll help you start your own personal cookbook! It's easy and fun. Click here to start your own cookbook!


1 ½ c ketchup
¾ c chili sauce
½ c vinegar
6 Tbsp. Worcestershire sauce
6 Tbsp. firmly packed light brown sugar
3 Tbsp. fresh lemon juice
1 Tbsp. paprika
3 ¼ tsp. salt
1 clove crushed garlic
¼ tsp. hot pepper sauce
5 lbs. Pork back ribs
½ tsp pepper
Thin slices of lemon & onion (optional)

Combine ketchup, 1 ½ c water, chili sauce, vinegar, Worcestershire sauce, brown sugar, lemon juice, paprika, 2 ¼ tsp. salt, garlic & hot pepper sauce into large saucepan. Heat to boiling, and then reduce heat. Simmer 30-40 minutes, until sauce is a good basting consistency. Cut meat into 3-4 rib portions. Sprinkle with 1 tsp. salt & pepper. Put on rack in shallow baking pan. Bake at 450 ºF for 30 minutes. Remove from rack; drain off excess fat. Put ribs in baking pan meaty side down; brush with remaining sauce. Reduce oven to 300ºF and bake for an additional 30 minutes. Continue to bake for another hour, basting frequently with some more of the remaining sauce, until ribs are tender & nicely browned. Add lemon slices during last half hour of baking. Serve remaining sauce on the side. Yields 6 servings.

Number Of Servings:
Number Of Servings:
6 servings
Personal Notes:
Personal Notes:
The story of barbecue is the story of America: Settlers arrive on great unspoiled continent, discover wondorous riches, set them on fire and eat them. Vince Staten




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