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"I don't think America will have really made it until we have our own salad dressing. Until then we're stuck behind the French, Italians, Russians and Caesarians."--Pat McNelis

BBQ Chicken from Louisiana Recipe

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This recipe for BBQ Chicken from Louisiana is from Don't Even Think About Making This Non Fat, one of the cookbooks created at We'll help you start your own personal cookbook! It's easy and fun. Click here to start your own cookbook!


Chicken cut into 8 parts
2 cups catsup
1 cup brown sugar
1/2 cup apple cider vinegar
Salt&pepper to taste
Water to cover chicken
Sea salt 1/2cup
Charcoal fire

Place chicken in cold water to cover. Add sea salt and let brine for 2 hours under refrigeration.
To make sauce add all catsup,brown sugar and vinegar and mix well. Set aside until you are ready to put on chicken.
Drain chicken and dry off before placing on grill make sure your fire is not too hot or meat to close to coals. Place chicken on grill and cook and turn to brown all sides. Cook until chicken is almost finished.
Coat chicken with sauce and let cook not letting sauce burn. Continue basting with sauce until you feel that chicken is cooked and you have covered it with enough sauce. Any sauce left use on the side if desired.

Number Of Servings:
Number Of Servings:
2 hungry mouths
Preparation Time:
Preparation Time:
8hrs., plus time on grill 45min.
Personal Notes:
Personal Notes:
This recipe is from some friends that Dad and Mom had from church. I know we went camping on an island at O'Sullivan Dam and fished for bass. They came over a couple of times and the lady cooked this chicken on that old round grill that we had for years.




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