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Easter Eggs dyed with onion skins Recipe

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This recipe for Easter Eggs dyed with onion skins is from A Memoir Of Family Recipes, one of the cookbooks created at We'll help you start your own personal cookbook! It's easy and fun. Click here to start your own cookbook!


- eggs
- onion skins (pieces as large as possible)
- 20 cm (8 inch) squares of cloth
- rubber bands
- a pot of boiling water
- some vegetable oil

Step 1: Soak your onion skins in a big bowl of water. Be careful with your onion skins. When they are dry, they are pretty fragile and you want to keep them as large as possible.

Step 2: Dip the squares of cloth in the water, then wring them out so they are damp. Also dip the eggs in the water; it helps the onion skins cling to them better.

Step 3: Wrap onion skins around each egg. If you are lucky, you'll have skins from the top or the bottom of an onion. These naturally conform to the shape of the egg. If not, just make sure you cover the entire surface of each egg with pieces of onion skin.

Step 4: Place an onion skin wrapped egg in the middle of one of your squares of cloth. Wrap the cloth snugly around the egg so the onion skin presses tightly against it. Securely tie off the top of the cloth with a rubber band.

Step 5: Hard Boil
Carefully add each bundled-up egg to a pot of boiling water. Boil them for seven minutes or so, until they are hard boiled. If you happen to crack one of the eggs when you are putting them in, add some salt to the water; that'll supposedly keep the whites from leaking out of the crack.

Step 6: Rinse In Cold Water
Once your eggs have boiled long enough, carefully pour off the boiling water and run some cold water into the pot to cool the eggs down.

Step 7: Carefully remove the rubber bands and take the eggs out of the cloths. Peel off the onion skins. The shells of the eggs will now be covered with beautiful patterns transferred from the onion skins in shades of brown, yellow, and green

Step 8: Give The Eggs Some Shine
Wipe the eggs dry. Put a little vegetable oil (I used canola oil) on a cloth or paper towel and rub onto the eggs. The oil gives the eggs a nice shine and seals their pores which should help them fresh longer.

Personal Notes:
Personal Notes:
I found this recipe for Onions Skin Easter Eggs on the internet as a variation to my Grandmother's recipe. This recipe looks very interesting but requires more work than my Grandmother's recipe. Please see Nana's Onion Skin Easter Eggs.




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