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Momma's Yeast Bread Recipe

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This recipe for Momma's Yeast Bread is from When Families Collide in the Kitchen , one of the cookbooks created at We'll help you start your own personal cookbook! It's easy and fun. Click here to start your own cookbook!


3 Cups Warm Water,
1 Rounded Cup Dry Milk,
1/4 Cup Lard,
!/4 Cup sugar,
Pinch salt,
2 tablespoon yeast,
7 Cups Flour more or less

Add to warm water the yeast, sugar and salt. Allow to set for a couple of minutes - add lard and milk powder.
Stir in flour one cup at a time until dough forms a ball. Sprinkle flour on top of dough cover with towel and allow to rise. Punch down allow to rise again. Knead dough shape into two loaves or cut into rolls.
Bake loaves at 375 until golden brown and sounds hollow when tapped on top.
Rolls at 425 until golden brown.

Personal Notes:
Personal Notes:
Momma made bread most Sundays. There was nothing better than the smell of bread baking wafting through the house. She usually doubled or tripled the batch as one loaf usually got eaten as soon as it came out of the oven with real butter dripping from the slices. My favorite piece was the heal, crunchy on the outside and hot and moist on the inside




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